District XR is a team of experts that has been creating projects in VR and AR for the largest industrial companies for more than 5 years. Turning to us for development, you hire a team of professionals with deep experience and strong competencies
Dive into a new world of possibilities with virtual reality glasses
60+ VR тренажеров для предприятий
VR Тренажеры
PDM systems, CV for industry, Construction and transport management
We have created more than 60 VR simulators for industry
VR Simulators
One of the best teams of experts in the world with unique experience in the field of virtual, augmented reality and information systems in the world
We implement both the simplest and the most complex XR solutions with the same quality, using the extensive experience of our specialists.
VR reservoir repair simulator at an industrial station. The test subject receives a task and instructions from the manager, selects personal protective equipment, receives the task and enters the site. The simulator has 2 modes: Training and Exam.
Complete training kit for LNG (liquefied natural gas) operation. During the training, all precautions were taken when working in hazardous production, the system monitors the completion of the task and shows violations if it is allowed.
HTC\Oculus SDK, UE4
A project for training personnel to start up equipment and systems at an oil production and gathering point for training maintenance personnel
The team has deep engineering competencies and uses modern methods and tools of system engineering to prepare scenarios for passing simulators based on detailed 3D models of real objects and technological maps, operating manuals on technological equipment and measuring instruments.
If you are looking to grow your business, XR technology is the must. Optimization of processes, reduction of time and costs in comparison with the traditional work tools, are changing the industry of personnel training in the blink of an eye. New types of presentation and interaction with the product, as well as market activities, all this has a measurable effect from the implementation your profit considerably grows!